

Steve McGiffen, Ph.D.

Thesis Advisor

Fields of expertise

  • The European Union

  • Neoliberalism, corporate power and resistance

  • Global inequalities

  • International environmental politics


  • Ph.D, US political history, University of Manchester, England

  • M.A., British and American History, University of Manchester, England

  • Post-Graduate Certificate in Education, University of Leeds, England

  • B.A. with Honors, Humanities, Middlesex Polytechnic, England

Other current posts

  • Consultant, Socialist Party of the Netherlands

Previous experience

  • Tutor in Comparative British and American History, Open University, UK, 1986-93

  • Political assistant to Thomas Megahy, Member of the European Parliament, 1986-99

  • Member of the Secretariat and advisor on environmental affairs, European Parliament United Left Group, 1999-2005

Selected publications


  • Poisoned Spring: The European Union and Water Privatisation (London: Pluto Press, 2009)

  • The European Union: A Critical Guide (2nd Edition; Dutch and Romanian translations) (London: Pluto Press, 2005)

  • Biotechnology: Corporate Power versus the Public Interest (London: Pluto Press, 2005)

  • Globalisation (Harpenden, England: Pocket Essentials, 2002)

  • Tennant's Rock (a novel) (New York: St Martin's Press, 2001)

  • Edits www.spectrezine.org, an English-language website sponsored by the Socialist Party of the Netherlands


  • “The European Union as ‘Universalist’ Project: Developing a Critical Left response” (Politika Annual Journal 2009, University of Hong Kong) 

  • “Bloodless Coup d’Etat: The European Union’s Response to the Eurozone Crisis” Socialism & Democracy  Vol 25/2, 56 (2011) pp25-44

  •  “European ‘Democracy Promotion’: dynamic versus passive revolutions in the Arab Spring”, Chapter 3 of Osha, Sanya (ed.) The Social Contract in Africa (Pretoria, RSA, Africa Institute of South Africa, 2014)




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Ruchi Anand India
Associate Professor
School of International Relations

quote leftThe 'AGS experience' is about travelling through various places, spaces, contexts, perspectives, theories, approaches and ideas, colored in different nationalities, accents, cultures and identities, all at one place. The AGS corridors may be short but they are wide if you let your minds roam free.quote right

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