

Manlio Graziano, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Fields of expertise
  • Geopolitics

  • Geopolitics of Religions

  • International Relations

  • Modern History

  • Italian History and Politics

  • European Affairs


  • Ph.D. in Italian Politics and History, 2004, Stendhal University Grenoble III, Mention Très Bien avec Félicitations Unanimes du Jury

  • Teaching Certification from the Conseil National des Universités, 2005, in History and Italian, 1992

  • Teaching Certification, Italian Ministry of Education

  • Master’s degree in French Language and Modern Literature from the University of Turin, Italy, 1982, Cum Laude

Other Current Posts

  • Université Paris IV – La Sorbonne, France, Formation Continue : Geopolitics and Geopolitics of Religions

  • Skema Business School, Sophia Antipolis, Paris, Lille, Suzhou, Raleigh: Geopolitics

  • Université Inter-âges de Versailles, France : Geopolitics and Geopolitics of Religions

  • Université d’Évry, France : Geopolitics and Geopolitics of Religions

  • Centro di studi giuridici e sociali Italo Baldelli (Milan, Italy): Translator

Previous experience

  • 2006-2008: École Supérieure de Traduction et de Relations Internationales de Lyon: Italian issues

  • 2007: Luiss University, Roma: Geopolitics of the Catholic Church

  • 2000-2010: Courses in Italian History, Politics and Civilization at the following universities: Université Paris III - Sorbonne Nouvelle, Université Paris X - Nanterre, Université Lyon II, Université Grenoble III, Université de Tours (France).

  • 1984-1999: Professor of French Language and Literature in Italy

  • Member of the Editorial Staff of the geopolitical journals Outre-Terre (Paris) and Geopolitical Affairs (London)

    Selected publications


    • What is a Borde, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2018

    • L’Isola al centro del mondo. Une geopolitica degli Stati Uniti [The Island in the Center of the World. The Geopolitics of the United States], Bologna: Il Mulino, 2018

    • Holy War and Holy Alliance, New York : Columbia University Press, 2017

    • In Rome We Trust. The Rise of Catholics in American Political Life (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2017

    • Guerra Santa e Santa Alleanza: Religioni a disordine internazionale nel XXI secolo. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2015

    • Essential Geopolitics: A Handboook, ©Manlio Graziano, 2011 (in English and in French). Also in Kindle version on amazon.com, amazon.co.uk; amazon.fr, amazon.de, amazon.it, amazon.es

    • Il siglo catòlico. La estrategia geopolitica de la Iglesia. Barcelona: RBA Libros, 2012

    • Il secolo cattolico. La strategia geopolitica della Chiesa. Rome-Bari: Laterza, 2010

    • The Failure of Italian Nationhood: The Geopolitics of a Troubled Identity. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2010

    • Italia senza nazione? Geopolitica di un’identità problematica. Rome: Donzelli, 2007

    • Italie: Un État sans nation? Géopolitique d’une identité nationale incertaine. Erès, Toulouse, 2007

    • Identité italienne et identité catholique. L’Italie laboratoire de l’Église. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2007

    • Le radici culturali, politiche ed economiche dell'Europa da Bisanzio all'euro. Turin: Labriola Center Press, 1998

    Edited books:

    L’Italie Aujourd’hui. Situation et Perspectives après le Séisme des Années Quatre-vingt-dix. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2004

    Articles about Geopolitics of religions:

    • in International Affairs Forum, November 8, 2012

    • , in Diploweb, 24 octobre 2012

    • "", in Heartland, Eurasian Review of Geopolitics, September 2012; International Affairs Forum, Center for International Relations, Washington DC, August 3, 2012

    • "La Francia al di là dello specchio", in Limes, Italian Journal of Geopolitics, June 2012

    • "La sbornia triste", America Oggi, May 9, 2012

    • "Geopolitica della democrazia", in Limes, Italian Journal of Geopolitics, April 2012

    • "La Chiesa Cattolica", in Atlante geopolitico Treccani, Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana, Rome, 2011

    • "Come riunire i franchi dell’est e dell’ovest", in Limes, Italian Journal of Geopolitics, September 2011

    • "Lo stivale senza stringhe", in Limes, Italian Journal of Geopolitics, May 2011

    • "La guerra imperfetta di Parigi", in Limes, Italian Journal of Geopolitics, April 2011

    • "L’Italia pirandelliana. Stanche celebrazioni per i 150 anni dell’Unità mettono in scena il dramma dello scambio d’identità", in America Oggi 7, New York, March 13, 2011

    • "Modello turco per il Nordafrica", in Il Sole 24 Ore, February 18, 2011

    • "L’Italie o si odia o si ama", in Limes, Italian Journal of Geopolitics, December 2010

    • "Italy Seen From France, or the Complexity of Family Relations", in Modern Italy, Journal of the Association for the Study of Modern Italy, Cambridge Vol. 15, No. 3, August 2010

    • "Will the New World Order Be Catholic? The Pope’s Divisions in the Global Turmoil in Heartland, Eurasian Review of Geopolitics, July 2010

    • "Sainte Alliance vs Guerre Sainte dans la Méditerranée" in Outre-Terre, October 2009

    • "Europa Magistra Mundi: la Grande Strategia della Chiesa di Roma" in Limes, Italian Journal of Geopolitics, October 2009

    • "La Chiesa e l’Europa, Cinquant’anni di Vantaggio" in Limes, Italian Journal of Geopolitics, February 2008

    • "L’Église Catholique et la 'Théologie de la Prospérité' en Amérique latine" in Outre-Terre, February 2008

    • "The Catholic Church and the ‘Others’: a Universalist Strategy" in Geopolitical Affairs, June 2007

    • "L’Église Catholique et 'les Autres': une Stratégie Universelle" in Outre-Terre, May 2007

    • "Zhôngguó : la Chine au Centre du Monde. Même pour l’Église catholique" in Outre-Terre, June 2006


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    please email us at info@ags.edu
    or use the form below.


    Christian Karastojanov Canada
    M.A., School of International Relations
    Class of 2000

    quote leftAGS's focus on both academics and real-world experience, its international faculty deeply engaged in current IR issues, and its connections to a variety of global governmental and non-governmental organizations all provided an invaluable preparation for a life in IR.quote right

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